Often times, it becomes quite essential to regulate the internal process of our body to bring it back to stable working condition. This process of restoring the body back to stability is called as homeostasis. Homeostasis is achieved through detoxification, which is a process of removing accumulated toxins from the body. If we do not take sufficient care, toxins can gradually get accumulated in our body and the overall health starts deteriorating.
Some of the common toxins inducing addictions are: alcohol, drugs, and medicine. The root cause of all diseases begins with irregular colon cleansing. If the functioning of colon gets affected, then it affects the natural process of waste removal from the body, which in turn aids toxins build up in our digestive system. As the amount of toxin increases, it gets released in to the bloodstream causing diseases. Detoxification aims at removing these toxins from the blood stream. Some of the major symptoms if one does not do detoxification for a long time are: headache, nausea, poor concentration, weak memory, bad breath, and dizziness.
Different types of foods have different effects on our body and also affect the functioning of colon. If the colon becomes sluggish, then it becomes quite essential to follow detoxification to bring it back to life. In today’s busy schedule, most of us rely on stimulants to keep us active. Stimulants such as coffee, tea, carbonated beverages, diet pills, white sugar are the main causes for colon malfunctioning and aids in building up of toxins in our body. Any product that does not produce energy at the cellular level to make you naturally healthy is a fake product and necessitates detoxification. Stimulants act as a suppressor and do not actually solve a problem; instead it just suppresses the actual cause. Most heart burn remedies require one to stay away from stimulants.
Many people rely on antacids as a heart burn remedy, but if you frequently pop in antacids, then its effect are reduced. Heartburns are mainly caused when stomach acid backs up and blocks the esophagus. There are many heart burn remedies, especially home made which has no side effects.
Some of the heartburn remedies are: frequent intake of hot milk; pepper mint extract and ginger extract mixed with hot water; and chewing cumin seeds in empty stomach. Milk contains high amount of calcium which neutralizes the stomach acid. Pepper mint, ginger and cumin seeds have the natural property to release gas and aids in proper digestion of food. If heart burn remedies are followed along with regular intake of deep fried foods, then the remedies may not work effectively.