Diverse acupuncture techniques exist. Certainly, every method is designed to alleviate pain or a particular medical condition.
First we will mention a technique called TCM. Here, it uses eight rules of complementary opposites to produce harmony in the body. This encompasses the use of yin and yang, internal versus external, and hot versus cold. For some of the best treatments in the Michigan try acupuncture Michigan.
French energetic acupuncture is the next method we will mention. This is often used by MD acupuncturists. Primary meridian patterns are utilized with this method, in particular yin and yang pairs.
An additional acupuncture method is called Korean hand acupuncture, with this method needles are applied to the hands and feet which are said to have high concentrations of qi, that effect the entire body.
There is also auricular acupuncture where it is believed that the ear is really a microcosm of the body. With this method needles are inserted into specific parts of the ear to help relieve numerous addictive issues.
Myofacial or facial muscle acupuncture involves palpating the face in search of points of tenderness, then needles are applied to these points to block abnormal flows of energy. For someone who knows how to utilize this technique try Michigan acupuncture.
Japanese practitioners frequently use meridian theory, in which an emphasis is placed on palpating meridians and needle methods. Electromagnetic energy impulses are also utilized since the body uses electromagnetic nerve impulses to transmit neuronal messages to all cell and organs. By using needles to alter the transmission of neuronal signals, the whole body can accomplish beneficial results. This is also sometimes used for diagnosis and testing.
There are also other forms of acupuncture that do not use needles. An example of this is called sonopuncture in which high frequency sound waves, or ultrasound is used to broadcast energy to numerous points. Some practitioners use a tuning fork or other vibration devices.
Just about any person can attempt acupuncture to help with almost any medical condition, the only proviso is that many practitioners do not want to treat pregnant females. However, if the process has already started it is ordinarily safe to continue until birth.
Which is the best method for you to employ? You will have to make that decision. They have all proven to be efficacious, so do some research and decide for yourself. Each of these is painless so just relax and let the professional do the rest. Just like conventional medicine, don't expect an improvement overnight as this takes time so just keep an open mind.