Thursday, October 28, 2010

Safety posters ? some fast facts

Occupational safety and health administration, OSHA standards are to be followed by any of the industrial plants and workshops if they have to comply with the ISO certification and awards. For example, if you consider the ISO 14001 certification, which is specially meant to be for the smelter plants, it is to control the pollution rate. Environmental pollution caused by these industries through their exhaust chimneys from power plant, cast iron room, metal furnaces room or the pot room are all quite severe. Hence, frequent emission checks are conducted and the safety officers do auditing internally as well as externally. Laborers are well educated in the safety laws, signs, and notifications and so on. Safety posters are seen in every department office of the whole production plant.


Moreover, safety posters are illustrated and explained in detailed during every weekly safety meeting by the supervisor or the safety officers to the laborers.

All those who are well trained in the safety procedures and also those who file the most number of hazard logs are usually awarded with safety certifications. These are extremely important credentials for a production technician or a labor in their resume.


They will be easily recruited in other concerns when they produce their certificates to them. The labor law posters should be posted in the HR office every time there is a change or new enactment pertaining to their rules and regulations. It is to make sure that the labor force is quite aware of the ongoing latest proceedings and act accordingly.

It is to ensure that they are being paid properly under all the circumstances. Federal labor law posters will illustrate and demonstrate the essential aspects by means of which the laborers are benefited and well protected with safety measures from the firms.


All those details pertaining to increments, discounts, waivers, interests on investments, provident funds, overtime rates, shift allowances, accounting period counting, vacation benefits, leave, medical benefits, insurance benefits, share investment opportunities and many more details will be published and posted every now and then. Each section of the entire plant will have them posted in their office notice boards for every other worker to notice it. Some of the important features are mandatory posted in the personnel department, reception as well as the canteen facilities as well in order to bring it to the notice of the laborers on leave but residing within the campuses.