Acupuncture is the quintessence of China, through the study of Chinese acupuncture experts, body acupuncture with auricular acupuncture, and the combination method can be symptomatic treatment of obesity is not only safe, efficacious, and does not produce anorexia, diarrhea, decreased physical side effects. Acupuncture is obese by the adjustment of neural and endocrine function, on the one hand suppress appetite hyperthyroidism obesity, reduce food intake, obesity and inhibiting gastrointestinal absorption hyperthyroidism, control the body's absorption of nutrients, with the control diet, thereby reducing the body's energy intake and storage; on the other hand, acupuncture can promote energy metabolism and increases energy consumption, promoting decomposition of body fat and fat mobilization, and ultimately weight loss. The human body through the acupuncture points
some can serve to weaken the gastric motility and inhibiting gastric acid secretion and prolong gastric emptying time, reducing the body fat level of 5-HF to promote abnormal digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular and endocrine function recovery normal role, acupuncture can enhance the fat of the hypothalamic - pituitary - adrenal cortex and sympathetic - adrenal medulla function of the two systems, and promote metabolism of body fat 'increased heat production, consumption of fat accumulation; Auricular acupuncture or stimulation may provoke hunger center, satiety center of human-induced changes affect the nutritional status, to control diet; stimulate the vagus nerve can affect insulin levels, and thus suppress appetite, to weight loss purposes. Although the efficacy of acupuncture, but it is still a certain invasive treatment for pain, and Auricular Point Sticking to overcome the above drawbacks, and the effect of significantly increased compared with oral administration, about 88-90.5%.
By Chinese women to conduct systematic analysis of obese patients and found that the mechanism was due to some hormonal imbalance actions, and the use of certain acupuncture acupuncture acupoints can improve before menstruation, hormone levels by post, to achieve the desired weight loss. Currently, the clinical use of firewood in Tianjin's "menstrual cycle, weight loss," combined with traditional Chinese medicine moxibustion, cupping, Mountain needle, needle, needle and into the electric one, no eggs on the type of menstruation, menstrual disorders, menopause, shock tangled and so induced obesity has a significant effect. Combined with "virtual is supplemented, but in fact crash the" Chinese medicine theory, obesity classified into seven types, the use of 16 kinds of tactics to "seek the weight, syndrome needle" effect, on simple obesity, local obesity, acupuncture several times, with quick effect, good effect, without side effects features.
Acupuncture swelling diuresis, with diet, easy weight loss! Want to make rapid body weight loss, excluding the body of water is the fastest way. The body of water about 70%, weight-loss diet center general multi-purpose dehydration, which allows customers rapid body weight loss, but this approach as long as more water weight will return immediately. Although some people say that acupuncture weight loss has been disappointing, but you want to lose weight healthy, seemed like one of the channels. General obesity, most are swelling type, so acupuncture is more swelling. Acupuncture points and meridians to clear the thorn, which will help the drainage function of the body, that is Chinese medicine called "swelling profit water." In addition, because the bar will
acupuncture water, waterway hole so easily removed from the body tissue fluid. Overweight and more because of liver and kidney dysfunction, and accumulation of abdominal obesity animal fat thighs, where veins and more grayish cloud-like, which means that poor metabolism and lower body, or menstrual flow, and promote hormone accumulation in the fat. Women in the case of negative physical, often result in lower body fat, then eat hot foods, such as on the onions, ginger, garlic, sorghum, pepper and other foods, melons are cold should be avoided.
If obesity is the greater of anger will be upper body fat, and most of the more solid fat. Anger is too large, nutrition, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, are the reasons leading to such a body fat is recommended to eat more cold food clear the fire, so that it can be mild diarrhea. Western medicine or steroids can also cause the body to eat more swollen, this situation would be suitable for light diarrhea resolved, but need to kidney yang, to stimulate gastrointestinal motility.
Effect of acupuncture and a better diet in general use acupuncture then back bucket figure who is probably not with food. Hyperthyroidism by acupuncture can inhibit appetite, while making gastrointestinal contraction, the volume decreases, can effectively relieve unbearable hunger. With the control diet principles: not hungry do not eat, hungry, eat, eat staple foods, eat vegetables and lean meat, eggs, all you can eat a can, eat sweets and fatty meat, potatoes, lotus root, vermicelli. Can also be according to their physical condition and the work of master or doctor as appropriate.
In addition, appropriate medications can and will use it. Who should be more negative body weight loss drug intake of kidney yang, aconite, ginger, ephedra, etc. are all such drug; positive body may lead to heat emission poisons, such as rhubarb, rhubarb, yellow root, gentian, dandelion, etc. with bitter pill. Can be sustained by about a month to reduce two or three kilograms, did a round of treatment (about 10) can no longer force through physicians. Acupuncture weight loss rate is indeed limited, but is very effective for local weight loss, make muscles strong and loose belts.
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