Saturday, November 6, 2010

Fire Safety - How do fire sensors work ?

The fire sensors comes under that Active Fire Protection steps. The fire sensors will function  by detecting the flame, smoke, heat in the premise where they are fixed. These sensors are to be placed during the construction process. They have some electronic sensors with them. But the traditional fire detecting system comes with a simple methodology.

Fire Alarm: The sensor comes along with a sprinkler. They have a glass covering over the sprinkler. The heat generated by the fire will make the glass covering fail.  The  water will start sprinkling over the fire. But this type of sensor will operate only in the place where the fire is ignited. But will not function in the nearby places to prevent them from spreading of fire.

In recent days the sensors comes in the form of detectors with electronic sensors and once the fire or smoke is detected the fire alarm and the fire protection system will start operating in the entire building.

So  the spreading of fire can be prevented in the other part of the premises. These sensors are fixed to the ceiling of the building in each floor in a regular interval. This will help to identify the fire in all every part of the building.

In this type of fire protection we need a force to start acting or a motion to induce the system. The fire sensors to be tested and maintained in a regular interval. So  they are kept in live and can be used in the emergency period. The fire sensor should consist of an important component. 

Once the fire is detected, it should automatically form the local fire brigades to get their assistance in fighting against the fire.

This should never fail to inform. Because in the emergency condition every one will be tensed and will try to save their life and the loved ones. They will not be able to think of informing the fire brigades. The fire brigades will not come to know till others near the premise informs them.

For more details about Fire Fighting

At Ogon Fire we design, install and maintain all your Fire Fighting Equipment to ensure that your people and assets are protected against fire risk. This service can include monthly and quarterly inspections as required by Fire Safety Regulations.